
"I had the pleasure of having a session with Sandra and it was amazing, from the very beginning I could tell that this space was safe and it allowed me to feel totally relaxed and able to be receive. Sandra was on point and clear on her reading and received clear precise  information to assist creating opportunity and to create spaciousness in my life. Sandra’s spiritual approach throughout the guidance was comforting and her ability to tap into the unseen realms helped me to tune in, reconnect to my ancestors. I loved how she weaved and you can feel the powerful medicine that flows through her and her grounded intuitive capacity to guide allows you to be fully supported. Her session bought clarity, deep insight and the trust in my ability to keep growing in alignment with my soul. Sandra is rooted in integrity and I highly recommend her.”
~ Kate

“Sandra is an amazing facilitator of Hypnosis, I have been suffering with pain in my left arm for many years and lower back pain, the process of going back to see the cause of the pain took me on a journey to seeing and understand the emotions that have been stuck in this physical body and coming full circle to seeing where these emotions began. Recognising where it all began through past lives to carrying it to this life it was one aha moment after another. Sandra’s gentle but focus approach to get you through the many twists and turns for total clarity was truly extraordinary. Sandra directed the process not leaving anything unexplored to receive a full understanding with clarity for a successful outcome. I would highly recommend Sandra if there is something you haven’t been able to resolve, you will on the many levels of your being.”
~ Mary C.

“I am so grateful for the guidance I received from Sandra. Sandra was able to connect in with her guides and spirit and receive the most profound messaging for me. It was spot on. I also received a beautiful healing. Sandra completely trusted in the process and what unfurled was truly divine. I would recommend Sandra to anyone ready to receive the wisdom they need.”
~ Lisa M.

”Sandra thankyou for providing such a safe and supportive space for me during our session. The guidance you shared has reinstated faith and has helped to open my perception and see the bigger picture of all that’s taking place in my world. The wisdom and insight you shared has given me clarity as to how to move forwards with courage. I have felt the ripple effects of being held by you continuing to unfold since our time together and a deeper awareness is continuing to reveal. Thankyou for the gift of your presence and the beautiful space you hold. I’m eternally grateful for you.”
~ Jo