Intuitive Energy Healing

”your light is more magnificent than sunrise or sunset” ~ Rumi, 13th century poet

Intuitive Energy Healing utilises a wholistic approach to restore harmony by working with all facets of your being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Sandra draws on her life experiences and healing modalities to effect healing as guided by the client’s intentions and her intuition.

When we are compromised due to stress, aspects of our being may be affected and brought into disharmony, and lower vibrational energetic attachments may occur, further exacerbating symptoms and feelings of low mood. We may experience a whole range of symptoms, including physical ailments, lack of mental clarity, emotional instability, spiritual disconnection, and behaviours as described in psychological personality disorders and other mental health conditions. Consequences of challenging life circumstances, karmic imprints, unhealthy relationships and expectations can all contribute to our stress levels and how we feel and show up in the world on a daily basis. Feelings of low self esteem and disconnection disempowers us and drains us of our vitality. Shamanic cleanses can assist in allowing us to feel more embodied and whole, more aligned with our truth.

The session is conducted within a sacred Celtic Medicine Wheel where Sandra draws on her intuition and healing modalities, to enable a tailored session always working in your highest and best interests. The session includes traditional Shamanic practices working with our Spirit Guides, and the medicine of the rattle and drum, in order to effect energetic healing, upgrades and balancing, soul realignment, removal of toxic energies, and retrieval of soul portions that may have displaced as a result of trauma. Any circumstance or event that has registered as trauma in the body and mind can be assisted by this modality. The sessions can be conducted remotely, or in person.

Remote sessions require a photo of the client alone taken up to three days prior to the session, fully clothed against a blank wall. In person clients are invited to relax on a massage table, fully clothed and supported with a soft blanket. Client’s may experience sensation throughout the session and a sense of ease and peace.