Sacred Women’s Circle

“we are stars wrapped in skin; the light you are seeking has always been within” ~ Rumi, 13th century poet

Sacred Women’s Circles allow the opportunity for women to come together and simply be in the presence of like-minded souls.  Circle work has been practiced for millennia and carries a vibration of beautiful healing and nourishing energy through connection.  Connecting with others with similar intentions allows for magick to occur.  When people come together with the same intention the opportunity for healing is amplified.  We see this in faith groups everywhere. And in this sacred yet profound space, there is a remembering, and women feel safe and supported to share.  Healing can happen when women allow themselves to be seen and heard in the absence of judgement and agenda.

In modern times we have forgotten the many benefits of community and a simpler way of life which allowed the pauses, the regular ceremonies, which nurtured and nourished the individual soul, and the soul of the community.  This has been to our detriment.  When this aspect of our psyche is allowed expression, we feel supported in ways that cannot be replaced by any other means.  We introduce a depth and aspect in our lives which is tangible and brings meaning and connection.

Sandra draws on her experience to allow a space that is governed by her sovereignty, plant medicine and natural law and influenced by the energy of her participants.  She draws on her wisdom, and knowledge of shamanic medicine, reiki, yoga, meditation, and hypnotherapy to guide participants in the space.  Participants receive deeply the gift of being themselves in a calm, relaxed and peaceful state.

“i love being in the energy of sacred space. allowing myself to drop into my inner sanctum, to commune with myself, that holy of holies. and i allow the world with all its demands and expectations to drop away so that i can meet myself perhaps for the very first time that day, that week, that month even. and then i wonder how i let it go for so long, to sit with myself and allow space for the wisdom and knowing and connection, that which i have been chasing the whole time. and my anxieties feel further away, and time expands. and it’s never been out there, always within, and i receive, and i feel more like myself, whole, grounded and nourished. may you know yourself as medicine.” ~ Sandra

What is Ceremony?

Ceremony is celebration.  Ceremony allows communion with oneself, with another person, or a group of people.  We work within a medicine wheel with benevolent energy.  This enables the potential for healing and magick.  Ceremony is ultimately the celebration of self.

What is Magick?

Magick encompasses synchronicities, coincidences, and miracles.  Miracles can be defined as experiences that occur outside of linear time, or outside the law of probability.  We have all experienced synchronicities or coincidences.  Magick can begin to be a normal part of life as we learn to trust more and control less.  And the presence of magick in your life makes the journey far more joyful and meaningful, and allows the experience of fulfillment.

la Conca Sacred Ceremony

la Conca brings together women in sacred circle to nourish and heal the feminine.  la Conca was birthed in the rural farmlands of Italy, and she brought women together through practicality and necessity.  la Conca is the vessel of the water of life. The town’s only water source was the local fountain, the water blessed by the air and land and gifted from the mountains, and collected by the women as required, at least daily.
la Conca of Abruzzo takes her name from the Italian word Conca which means a hollow cavity in the ground. She is a concave container made of copper.  She has a wide funnelled opening at the top and two large handles.  Copper cleanses the water and is an excellent conductor of electricity.  Her purpose is to contain and carry water, the life blood of the Earth.  The water collected was directly from the mountains, clear and crystalline, the purest source of water, blessed by its innate sacredness.
la Conca shares the wisdom and experiences of the women and has felt the weight they carry on their shoulders, been witness to their burdens and sorrows.  She has celebrated in their joys and in their everyday contentment begotten from years of rhythm, routine, and repetition.  She has supported them in their journeys and carries the wisdom from one generation to the next.
la Conca is spirit expressed and unexpressed.  She is the potential and the realised.  She is pregnant with potential and possibility.  She is the state of being, and the state of doing.  She is earth, air, fire, and water.  She honours our experience as souls having a human experience, she is the life giver.  She loves unconditionally and she is the avatar if we allow her to be.  Her symbolism is simple yet profound, and she is the representation of life.
We invite the spirit of la Conca to graciously join us in ceremony to impart her deeper wisdom and offer healing, understanding and nourishment.  Her generosity is limitless, invite her into your space, allow space for her sacred teachings and she will fulfil you.
Allow her to birth within you what you seek.

“Nonna, I honour you and my ancestors in this ceremony as the water bearers, the life givers, and as sacred ceremonialists in how you honoured and respected la Conca and the sacred gift of water.  You spoke often of how the water from your town tasted like God’s water, crystal, clear, fresh, invigorating, life giving, and thirst quenching.  You spoke often how it was the water that provided la sapore in the food it was made with.  I am humbled by your servitude, your intuitive wisdom and knowing, and I hope I serve you well.  In deepest gratitude.”

alla fontana abruzzo ~ Kristian Zahrtmann

”alla fontana” (to the fountain) painted by Danish painter Kristian Zahrtmann
depicting the women balancing la Conca on their crown, or on their hip