Psychic Medium Readings/Healings

”you are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop” ~ Rumi, 13th century poet

Reading energy is innately human, we have all experienced our own intuition.  This ability is largely dismissed in our society.  We focus on the external life, all the while allowing our internal capabilities and gifts to atrophy.  We derive our self worth and belief from others’ perception of us, from their judgement, giving our power away and allowing our perception of ourselves to be determined by others.  An unhealthy society depends on the disempowerment of its citizens, if people experienced their own power and sense of self they would not be as easily influenced or controlled.
The acknowledgment that we all possess a soul or a more subtle intelligent aspect of ourselves is fundamental in the reflection, and exploration, of our lives, and our quest to derive meaning from our existence.
Sandra works ethically to deliver information present at the time of the reading, always in your best interest so that you remain empowered in your choices. Sandra’s readings assist you to expand your conscious awareness so that you may view your life circumstances from a different, perhaps more broad, perspective. This enables you to view situations and events from vantages which you may not have previously considered.
Sandra has a direct approach in her readings and is able to work with your auric field, chakra energy centers, and supportive energies that may come forward in the reading, such as guides, ancestors and angels. Sandra’s readings are of a spiritual nature and tend to be focused on your soul path and purpose.
”all psychic readings offer the opportunity for healing as we allow ourselves to surrender, to begin to drop the masks and dare to access those areas of ourselves and our lives we may feel we normally need to protect and keep private. feelings of shame, guilt and embarrassment hold us hostage and don’t allow for growth and healing. when we can begin to even admit we hold these feelings in our psyche, we can then begin to notice the impact in our lives, and how we can begin to heal. being in a frequency that is more expansive and heart based can shift these more uncomfortable frequencies allowing for healing which feels like space, relief, grace, love and empowerment. our souls naturally want for us to experience these higher frequencies as part of our human experience, and sometimes may require that we visit these more uncomfortable areas for the sole purpose of healing in order to feel the more expansive energies. love and blessings on this journey.” ~ Sandra


“I am so grateful for the guidance I received from Sandra. Sandra was able to connect in with her guides and spirit and receive the most profound messaging for me. It was spot on. I also received a beautiful healing. Sandra completely trusted in the process and what unfurled was truly divine. I would recommend Sandra to anyone ready to receive the wisdom they need.”
~ Lisa M.
”Sandra thankyou for providing such a safe and supportive space for me during our session. The guidance you shared has reinstated faith and has helped to open my perception and see the bigger picture of all that’s taking place in my world. The wisdom and insight you shared has given me clarity as to how to move forwards with courage. I have felt the ripple effects of being held by you continuing to unfold since our time together and a deeper awareness is continuing to reveal. Thankyou for the gift of your presence and the beautiful space you hold. I’m eternally grateful for you.”
~ Jo

"I had the pleasure of having a session with Sandra and it was amazing, from the very beginning I could tell that this space was safe and it allowed me to feel totally relaxed and able to be receive. Sandra was on point and clear on her reading and received clear precise  information to assist creating opportunity and to create spaciousness in my life. Sandra’s spiritual approach throughout the guidance was comforting and her ability to tap into the unseen realms helped me to tune in, reconnect to my ancestors. I loved how she weaved and you can feel the powerful medicine that flows through her and her grounded intuitive capacity to guide allows you to be fully supported. Her session bought clarity, deep insight and the trust in my ability to keep growing in alignment with my soul. Sandra is rooted in integrity and I highly recommend her.”
~ Kate