la Papessa reflects the divine feminine energy.  She is gentle, strong, and compassionate.  Her work is to heal her wounds and trauma, to bring her shadow into conscious awareness and to love, and embody, all aspects of herself completely to heal and grow and become whole.

la Papessa is an icon of deep spirituality that transcends dogma and formal religion. She is a paragon of intuitive understanding who sees beneath superficiality. She asks us to pause, enter our own inner sanctuary in sacred communion with self, and discover infinite wisdom.

Sandra is an intuitive healer and ceremonialist, and is qualified and experienced in Intuitive & Shamanic Arts including Psychic Mediumship, Yoga, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, and Reiki. Sandra facilitates Sacred Women Circles and works with clients individually. She is an avid student and is in pursuit of Spiritual truth. As a Sacred Space Holder, Sandra can guide individuals and groups with the utmost integrity, safety, and honour into Sacred Space to receive healing and inner wisdom.